Prof. Alard Roebroeck
Lab Principal Investigator (PI)
Research interest: human brain function; human brain connectivity; human brain disease; cortical microcircuits; multiscale neuroimaging; MRI; light-sheet microscopy; diffusion MRI; functional MRI; imaging data modeling & analysis
Dr. Michael Capalbo
Assistant Professor
Research interest: diffusion imaging; data analysis of light-sheet microscopy; behavioral neuroscience; motivation and learning in higher education
Dr. Sven Hildebrand
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research interest: 3D histology; optical tissue clearing; neuroanatomy; cortical architecture
Johannes Franz
PhD Candidate
Research interest: LSFM data-analysis; cortical cyto-, myelo- and angio-architecture; depth-dependent MRI and fMRI; predictive coding; visual perception of motion
Hanna Hoogen
Research Assistant
Research interest: big data analysis; neuroscience of health & exercise